ARPE is a project company which is developing, constructing and operating different hydro power projects in Northern Uganda.
€ 8,236,550.00
Type of investment
Development impacts
- Private sector consolidation/innovation
- Access to basic services & goods
- Fight against climate change
Beneficiary locations
Investment field
Energy: hydropower
The project is located on the Achwa River in Northern Uganda about 19 km north-west (downstream) of a bridge about mid-way along the Gulu-Kitgum road. The plant, named HPP2 or Achwa2, is the first part of a hydroelectric scheme, consisting of two hydropower plants (HPP2 and HPP1) with 42 MW each. HPP1, which is located upstream, is not part of the project. A new 175km 132kV transmission line to connect the project to the national grid will be built independently by the Uganda Electricity and Transmission Company Ltd (UETCL). The energy will be sold to UETCL under a 40 year PPA.
The Borrower and project company is ARPE Ltd. The company was founded in 2013 with the purpose of constructing and operating the HPP2 and HPP1 hydropower plants. ARPE’s main sponsor is the African Renewable Energy Fund (AREF), managed by Berkeley Energy with 60% of equity.
Development impacts
Private sector consolidation/innovation
More energy for Ugandan enterprises; Reinforcement of the energy sector
Access to basic services & goods
The project can indirectly contribute to connect more people, especially along the transmission line from which new unserved area can be connected to the grid.
Fight against climate change
Renewable energy production
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Financial Institutions
BRAC International Finance
Liberia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda