Impact Stories

Impact story
You have to pay money back
BIO has invested in EFC Uganda, a microfinance deposit-taking institution, both directly and through Africinvest Financial Sector.
Caroline Cherotic is one of EFC Uganda’s many clients. This is her story.

Impact story
Vaccines can be produced in Africa
BIO has invested in African Rivers Fund I and III, managed by XSML.
Jarl Heijstee is the co-founder and managing partner of XSML. This is his story.

Impact story
Honouring our coffee
BIO has invested in the Fairtrade Access Fund and is one of the donors of its Technical Assistance Facility (TAF FAF).
The Fairtrade Access Fund has invested in Soprocopiv, a coffee cooperative in Kivu, in the DRC, and has, likewise, supported them through a Technical Assistance Facility.
Judith Kahindo Katavali works as a technical supervisor of agronomists for Soprocopiv. Kambale Bonane Blessing owns a coffee plantation and is one of the members of Soprocopiv. This is their story.

Impact story
Women continue to rise
BIO has invested - through equity, loans and technical assistance - in the Local Currency Microfinance Fund II - LocfundII. This fund has, in turn, invested in Fundación Espoir.
Claudia Moreno is the Deputy Executive Director of Fundación Espoir. This is her story.

Impact story
Investments are all about trust
BIO has granted loans and technical assistance to Cofina Senegal and Cofina Ivory Coast, members of Cofina Groupe, a young Pan-African mesofinance group.
Hervé-Serge Ndakpri is the Group CFO. This is his story.

Impact story
The incredible potential of digitalisation
Dr Jessica Schicks is a Senior Investment Officer at BIO, in charge of Financial Institutions. She has a specific focus on digitalisation.
This is her story.

Impact story
Seeing customers and employees grow
BIO has granted a € 3 M loan to Advans Côte d’Ivoire and technical assistance of € 123 K.
Mariam Djibo is the managing director of Advans CI. This is her story.

Impact story
Milk is the foundation of our prosperity
Mcvin Mbesa Muia owns a dairy farm in Kyambutho. She received a loan from the Kenya Women Microfinance Bank, which is supported by REGMIFA.

Impact story
European ambitions
EDFI Management Company (EDFI MC), established in 2016, manages concessional funds on behalf and for member development finance institutions (DFIs).
To maximise EDFI MC’s chances to succeed in its European ambitions, to be recognised as an important partner by the European Commission, and to ensure a better integration of the MC into the shared goal of the European DFIs to be able to handle more difficult investments, it is key that more EDFI members are shareholders of the company.