Argan Infrastructure Fund LLC PCC (ARIF)
BIO has invested € 6 M in equity in the Argan Infrastructure Fund LLC, an infrastructure fund focused on the MENA region.
€ 6,000,000.00
Type of investment
Development impacts
- Local economic growth
- Access to basic services & goods
Beneficiary locations
Investment field
Investment Companies & Funds
Infrastructure Fund
Argan Infrastructure Fund LLC PCC (ARIF)
The Fund will invest in infrastructure as well as infrastructure-linked industrial projects in Africa with a focus on Morocco.
The targeted sectors will be energy, transport and logistics, environment, industry and telecom. Investments will amount to on average € 10 million in North-Africa and € 5 million in Sub-Saharan Africa. For larger infrastructure projects, the Fund will invest alongside co-investors, amongst which the investors in the Fund.
The Investment Advisor of the Fund Moroccan based Infra Invest. The Fund is an initiative of Infra Invest, the Investment fund management arm of the privately-owned Moroccan insurance company RMA (part of the FinanceCom group).
Development impacts
Local economic growth
The investments done by the Fund will have a major impact on job creation as the projects and companies will need more workers to manage their expansion.
Access to basic services & goods
Reliable infrastructure plays a vital role in the sustainable development of emerging countries as it; Increases access of the population to basic needs such as power, water, mobility and technology; with a specific focus on solar energy
Made possible through this investment
Acwa Power Khalladi
Energy - Wind
Mass Céréales Al Maghreb
Transport & Logistics - Storage Terminal
Manufacturing & Services - Cement
TransCentury Limited
Manufacturing & Services - Engineering
View more of our investments in this region
Financial Institutions
BRAC International Finance
Liberia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda