BIO was incorporated by the law of 3 November 2001, published in the "Moniteur Belge" (Belgian Official Journal) of 17 November 2001, at the initiative of the Minister for Development Cooperation. The law was lastly modified by the law of 20 November 2018, and BIO is now held to a Management contract signed every 5 years between BIO and the Belgian State.
BIO is a private company whose capital is held by the Belgian State
(Ministry for Development Cooperation). Its early-stage capital amounts to €5,000,000 and it makes investments using additional equity granted by the Ministry for Development Cooperation.
BIO enjoys decisional and operational independence, which provides the autonomy and flexibility it needs when analysing and evaluating the financing applications. Various control levels and processes ensure the efficient and correct use of its investment resources and the smooth implementation of its mission.
BIO operates according to a commercial logic inherent to its status and its development finance mission. The financial contributions made by BIO are not conditioned by the involvement of other Belgian players of any type (companies, banks, etc.), but do not exclude it either.
BIO is careful to ensure the additionality of its investments to avoid entering into direct competition with the local established financial sector. BIO’s role is to provide long-term financial products that are generally unavailable or inaccessible on the local markets.
All projects must demonstrate long term financial viability and have a lasting impact on the development of the country in question, whether in terms of employment, the environment or economic and social growth. BIO also sets out to provide added value, in particular by contributing to good governance, by backing pioneering concepts and/or new initiatives or by attracting other investors.
Management bodies
The Belgian State has given BIO a clear and well-defined role and mission with strict criteria in terms of geographical targets, financing instruments and, above all, development impact. Furthermore, various control levels and processes aim at the efficient and correct use of its investment resources and the smooth implementation of its mission.
Board of directors
The BIO Board of Directors includes twelve members. The General Director for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, Heidy Rombouts, represents the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid from the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Board of Directors. The director of Enabel, Jean Van Wetter, is also invited to the Board of Directors’ meetings. The latter two have no voting rights.
Two Government Commissioners oversee the implementation of BIO’s mandate’s compliance with its legal framework and with the general interest. They are also permanent invitees to all meetings held by the Board of Directors and by the committees.
The Board of Directors oversees the implementation of BIO’s mandate and its realisation in its strategy and policies, and has the final word on all investment projects. It carries out a rigorous internal assessment based on regular reporting. The Board of Directors’ Chair is a permanent invitee to all other committees.
- Géraldine Georges
Vice Chair
- Pieter Verhelst
- Samira Bersoul
- Jean-Christophe Charlier
- Laurence Christians
- Annelies De Backer
- Nathalie Gilson
- Illias Marraha
- Peter Moors
- Jade Salhab
- Sophie Tibesar
Government Commissioners
- Eddy Van Der Meersch (Budget)
- Dirk Van der Maelen (Development Cooperation)
Deputy Commissioner
- Annuschka Vandewalle (Development Cooperation)
Representative DGD
- Heidy Rombouts
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee includes 6 members of the Board of Directors and one independent expert (Isabelle Tennstedt). It is responsible for the following activities:
- Advice to the Board of Directors on investment decisions
- Analysis and monitoring of the portfolio
- Peter Moors
- Jean-Christophe Charlier
- Laurence Christians
- Annelies De Backer
- Jade Salhab
- Isabelle Tennstedt
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is appointed by the Board to consult with respect to internal assessment in the broadest sense, especially financial reporting.
- Pieter Verhelst
- Nathalie Gilson
- Sophie Tibesar
Human Resources Committee
The HR Committee assists the Board in staff management.
- Illias Marraha
- Samira Bersoul
- Jade Salhab
Internal Review Committee
The Internal Review Committee formulates recommendations to the CEO with regard to the final investment decisions up to a maximum limit of €2 million.
- Carole Maman, CIO
- Denis Pomikala, Risk & Special Operations Manager
- Manager of the concerned investment team
- Staff members belonging to the deal team
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for sharing information within the management team, discussing current business, coordinating the Company’s activities and drawing up recommendations for the Board of Directors.
- Joris Totté, CEO
- Carole Maman, CIO
- Tine Vlietinck, CCO
External Monitoring
The funds entrusted to BIO by the Belgian government are subject to careful monitoring:
- The implementation of BIO’s mandate is supervised by two Government Commissioners, one appointed by the Minister of Development Cooperation and the other one by the Minister of Budget.
- A college composed of two external auditors, one of which is appointed from amongst the members of the Belgian Institute for Company auditors, and the other of which amongst the members of the Belgian Court of Audit. This college conducts a financial audit twice a year.
- A selection of current or closed investments is subject to an annual thorough evaluation by an external consultancy team (external evaluation by case studies).