Our Carbon Footprint
Every year, an independent consultant tallies BIO’s operational CO2e emissions (office heating, air travel, paper usage, etc).

For 2022, BIO decided to renew the calculation of the carbon footprint of its operations with a new consultant and a new approach.
The scope of the new assessment is much broader, covering not only our building and travel categories, but also other relevant scope 3 categories such as procurement, IT and remote working.
The exercise still excludes the footprint of BIO’s investments, which will be assessed in a separate exercise (as announced in our Climate Strategy).
BIO also set a new ambition on climate action for emission reduction and will build on the results to redefine its carbon offsetting policy.
The newly calculated global carbon footprint of BIO accounts for 952 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) for FY 2022. This corresponds to an average of 8.2 tCO2e per full-time equivalent.
The global carbon footprint of BIO accounts for 225 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) for FY 2021. This corresponds to an average of 2.9 tCO2e per Full-Time Equivalent.

Our emissions were offset by supporting the Gyapa Improved Cook-Stoves Climate Project in Ghana, which involves the manufacture and sale of improved efficient charcoal stoves to replace inefficient stoves.

CO2logic certifies that BIO is conscious of its CO2 emissions and by supporting certified climate projects it has offset 225 tCO2e. This corresponds to the offsetting of its scopes 1 and 2 and partial scope 3 including emissions from: purchased goods and services (partial), fuels and energy-related activities, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting during FY2021. Achieving CO2-Neutrality by obtaining this CO2-NEUTRAL label in line with the PAS 2060, the international standard for CO2-Neutrality, is a guarantee for credible climate action.
The global carbon footprint of BIO accounts for 321 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e) for FY 2020.
This corresponds to an average of 4.6 tCO2e per Full Time Equivalent.
BIO compensated its CO2 emissions by investing in a Zambia Agroforestry Project which promotes sustainable agriculture and forest conservation. The project supports farmers with agricultural methods that safeguard the forest and enhance their livelihood. Former poachers are given the opportunity to learn skills that protect the forest and wildlife, while ensuring a stable income.
The global carbon footprint of BIO-Invest accounts for 989 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e) for FY 2019 (excluding 49 tCO2e of indirect emissions).
This corresponds to an average of 15,7 tCO2e per Full Time Equivalent in 2019.
Our emissions were offset by supporting the Rwanda Cookstove Project. The aim of this Project is for CO2logic and its partners to support the development and distribution of efficient cookstoves in order to save millions of trees, support families, boost economic activities and improve health conditions in Rwanda.
The global carbon footprint of BIO-Invest accounts for 828 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e) for FY 2018 (excluding 45 tCO2e of indirect emissions).
This corresponds to an average of 16,1 tCO2e per Full Time Equivalent in 2018.
Our emissions were offset by supporting the Gyapa Improved Cook-Stoves Climate Project in Ghana, which involves the manufacture and sale of improved efficient charcoal stoves to replace inefficient stoves.
BIO's global carbon footprint accounted for 856 tCO2e in 2015.
Our emissions were offset by supporting the Saving trees in Uganda project, which facilitates the widespread access to improved woodstoves technologies throughout the country by setting up small ventures with local manufacturers, supporting the development of sustainable distribution channels and subsidizing stove prices for end users.