Investing in a sustainable future

BIO invests in small and medium-sized enterprises, financial institutions, and infrastructure projects, contributing to socio-economic growth in developing countries.

Investing in a sustainable future
Robotics as a service

Impact story

Robotics as a service

BIO invested in USD 5 M in the Omnivore Partners India Fund 2 and USD 5 M in the Omnivore Agritech & Climate Sustainability Fund III, two funds of Omnivore, a venture capital firm. Omnivore invested in Niqo Robotics.

Jaisimh Rao is the CEO and founder of Niqo Robotics. This is his story.

Don't shy away from the grey

Impact story

Don't shy away from the grey

My name is Joris Totté. I am the incoming CEO of BIO.

This is my story.


Boost access to international remittances in Africa


BIO grants a USD 15 million loan to Mutual Trust Bank in Bangladesh


Climate Strategy Publication

In numbers

In 2020, BIO’s funding supported 117,462 jobs through direct investments and an additional 158,432 through indirect investments. Altogether, they would further support more than 10 M indirect jobs, as estimated through JIM.

For direct investments, job creation reached 3,210 jobs in 2020.

Of all the BIO projects approved in 2021, 16 out of 21 qualified for the 2X Challenge – to which BIO contributed over EUR 75 M in new investment commitments over the year.

In 2020, BIO’s direct and indirect renewable energy supply corresponded to a total of 3,730,000 tonnes of CO2e avoided, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of 803,700 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year.

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