Theory of Change
The Theory of Change provides a comprehensive description of BIO’s contribution to the 2030 agenda.
Private investment and innovation make a major contribution to productivity improvements, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and jobs creation. These are important drivers of poverty and inequality reduction including gender inequality and are recognized as key channels for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. As the Belgian Development Finance Institution, BIO’s mandate is precisely to support such a transformative and responsible private sector which stimulates decent jobs, fosters innovation and pays taxes that enable governments to deliver essential public services.
BIO’s Theory of Change (ToC) has been completely revised to integrate the SDGs and sets out the logic of BIO interventions, by outlining linkages between inputs, outputs, outcomes and finally (expected) development impacts, i.e. inclusive and sustainable economic growth, in line with SDG1.
The primary purpose of this ToC is to provide external stakeholders with a better understanding of BIO’s activities and contribution to the SDGs. As most components of BIO’s ToC are referring to detailed internal processes, the opportunity will be taken to serve BIO internally to enhance coordination activities towards maximum development effectiveness of BIO’s interventions. For this purpose, the document includes a brief description of the ToC diagram and a set of more in-depth narratives for all its core components.